An affiliate program is one that allows non-employee partners to earn referral fees when customers they recommend purchases a product or service.

The partnership is not an employer/employee relationship or contract since the affiliate is not obligated to work for or during any certain period of time, meet any particular performance standards, and is not paid an wage or salary for sales generated through referrals.

Biz Ops Rwanda is a B2B provider. We provide businesses with business and technology services and support. Our primary affiliate product is Grow Digital which includes everything a business needs to grow into digital spaces!

This includes a LevelUp platform subscription which includes:

  • Website Design Services
  • Website Hosting
  • Website Security and Maintenance
  • Customer Relationship Manager
  • Automation
  • Ecommerce
  • Technical Support
  • Business Consulting
  • Email Marketing Services
  • Content Management Services
  • And more.

Anyone who demonstrates the ability to:

  • Access our target market.
  • Represent our brand with integrity.

Some examples of affiliate partners are our clients, NGO business service organizations, B2B businesses, and anyone who recommend new clients to Biz Ops Rwanda and opts-in to the program to receive a referral fee.

Affiliate Portal: Upon acceptance of the partnership application, affiliates receive instant access to an affiliate dashboard where their performance, referral fees, and payouts can be tracked and managed.

Affiliate Link & QR Code: These can be shared digitally or in-person. When used to complete a purchase, the affiliate is automatically credited with the referral upon receipt of payment. The entire process can be verified and tracked in the affiliate portal.

Getting Started Guidance: All affiliates receive a series of emails to help guide their onboarding. The emails provide education, tips, and resources to help affiliates start earning referral fees as quickly as possible.

Digital Business Card: Every affiliate gets a free verified Biz Ops digital business card where to add and share their affiliate link on the go. Using a QR code, affiliates can allow their contacts to automatically save the affiliate’s contact information.

Sales Tools: As we find strategies that work, we share those resources with affiliates. Tools such as email and social media templates, graphics, and other creatives are available in the affiliate portal. In fact we recommend using these tools to reflect consistent branding and information; however, affiliates are free to create their own copy, content, and creatives.

In addition, affiliates have access to informative tools they can share with those that refer such as product and service infographics, eBrochures, and other digital buyer information resources.

Bargaining Chips: Affiliates can offer freebies to help build a relationship and trust with those they refer. Current free offers include a free digital business card and a 14-day free trial. Additionally, affiliates will have exclusive access to promotional coupons from time to time.

Monthly Webinar: Monthly webinars are held to provide affiliate support, answer questions, and gather feedback. These are vonluntary and open to all affiliate partners and anyone considering becoming one. 

Of course, our team is always here to help when you need.

No, it does not cost anything to participate in the Affiliate Partner Program. 

Affiliates are paid 10% of the payment made towards a referred purchase. This means that if Grow Digital plan is purchased and paid for at RWF 837,000 the affiliate will be credited with a referral fee of RWF 83,700. (Please note that the payout will be reduced by any income taxes we are required to withhold.)

Payouts are paid via the payment method on record every month on the 1st of the month for the previous month.

Currently, Rwanda’s tax law requires that we withhold and pay 15 percent of your income for PAYE. We do so in accordance with the law.

For example, if you earn RWF 100,000, RWF 15,000 will be withheld and paid to RRA using eTax. 

  • Social Media
  • WhatsApp
  • Digital Advertising
  • In-Person Networking
  • B2B Partnerships
  • Email Marketing 
  • SMS Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Other legal and legitimate forms of marketing. 
  • Telemarketing

***Whatever form of marketing you use, refrain from spamming and other unwelcomed solicitation. 

Of course not. Affiliate programs are popular and lucritive in the US and around the world.

Most tech companies use affiliate programs to help get the word out about their software or platforms. 
Large global companies like Amazon and Shopify has affiliate programs too. As an affiliate you can take advantage of all these opportunites, including our program to earn money.

Biz Ops Rwanda is bringing the same opportunities and capabilities which are already widely availible and popular around the world to Rwanda.