The following are some of the practices that we have observed to significantly improve the performance of a site and network

-Some plugins only need to be on for development or diagnostics or troubleshooting: NEW RELIC, QUERRY MONITOR, PLUGIN ORGANIZER

-We need to use less code(add css or javascript code only when absolutely necessary, gotta keep in mind the perfmance hit)

-Astra theme is no go

-careful with templates, they may have unnecessary data that creates junk in the network and affect perfomance

-Try to have css and javascript in the footer

-Enable lazy load on the below the fold components

-Implement CDNs sp that all files some of the requests don’t consume our server resources

-Smushing does create a boost, still gotta make sure that image or file smushing is more preferrable or both are good

-Try to have all our images in webp format in the first place(or maybe we can always convert later)

-If we need to have custom fonts, we need to add that in the footer

-We need to perform periodic performance optimization sessions for our websites and our clients’

-We need to keep all our plugins up to date